
     ABC is an acronym I came across from boxing in San Diego at the Any Body Can Youth Foundation, founded by Archie Moore in 1957. To this day it stays in the back of mind with every goal or task I seek to accomplish. It is a reminder that everyone starts from somewhere and once you fail a modest amount of times, you will be able to view your accomplishments in a different light.

    Any Body Can reach their full potential, you just have to muster up enough courage to reach out and grab it once the opportunity comes you. It is encouraging to remember, "Put you best foot forward, with dignity and courage." (Archie Moore). Archie Moore till this day has the most knockouts on record in boxing history. His aka was, "The Mongoose" for his wise and slick boxing style. I believe he took that name outside of the boxing ring and applied it to his everyday life and an example of this is; his legacy is continously carried by his Non Profit Youth Foundation,  plus, his historical house with the boxing ring swimming pool off of the freeway that is named after him in San Diego.

    It goes to show as long as you can believe it you can achieve it, also to set your standards high because you never know what you were meant to accomplish once you unlock your potential. And to unlock your full potential takes time, persistence and faith.

    I'll leave you with this quote I came across in life, "If you fail, never give up, because fail means First Attempt In Learning. And End is not the end, in fact end means Effort Never Dies." If you get no as an answer remember no means "Next Opportunity." So remember these lines when you are on your way to accomplish and unleash your own potential to your path to greatness!


