
Human Beings Need Personal Space

     This blog is a little different from the rest. It's based off a recent personal experience I've had and many other human beings have come across. It is entitled, " Human Beings Need Personal Space."     This is essential for personal growth and development, character development, spiritual awakening and much more. As human beings we need to take the time out to get away from people and this includes; family, associates and everyday enviornment. We are social creatures and our society thrives off of our social abilities, however, it is very important to take a step back and out of the everyday social norm in order to reach our potential. This can include going on a vacation, stepping out into nature for the day or just checking into a resort for the weekend.     It is also important while maintaining these periods of time to stay aways from needy, self centered people who might try and push themselves on you. These individuals have no regard or sel...


       ABC is an acronym I came across from boxing in San Diego at the Any Body Can Youth Foundation, founded by Archie Moore in 1957. To this day it stays in the back of mind with every goal or task I seek to accomplish. It is a reminder that everyone starts from somewhere and once you fail a modest amount of times, you will be able to view your accomplishments in a different light.     Any Body Can reach their full potential, you just have to muster up enough courage to reach out and grab it once the opportunity comes you. It is encouraging to remember, "Put you best foot forward, with dignity and courage." (Archie Moore). Archie Moore till this day has the most knockouts on record in boxing history. His aka was, "The Mongoose" for his wise and slick boxing style. I believe he took that name outside of the boxing ring and applied it to his everyday life and an example of this is; his legacy is continously carried by his Non Profit Youth Foundation,  ...

Week 4 blog post Bezier game

       First and foremost:  The extra projects on the bezier game has done wonders as far as getting me familiar with the pen tool. It can be tricky at first when learning to work the angles and curving, however once you get it down it is amazing. When you ned to switch directions or break a line remember to hold the alt or the option key to do so. Right now I couldn't do too much at home because my computer is down, however as soon as it comes out of the shop next week, I'll be doing a couple of projects in illustrator.      From what I observed, the pen tool is miraculous when it comes to graphic designing and singling out a specific area. For instance, If I just wanted to edit a certain part of an image, such as Mickey Mouse and just wanted to get his gloved hands; I can easily single it out and do whatever design I want to create.     Since the first day of this class, Professor Williams preached on how he Loves the Pen Tool, so if y...

ABC Any Body Can

      Before I took this Graphic designing course I wasn't too great at doodling or sketching> Now I have come to realize, like everything else, practice makes perfect. Every little thing counts when it comes to being a articulate creative, such as, writing, doodling, looking at other designs ect...      One of the exercises I have practiced was to just continuously draw a bunch of circles until the overall marksmanship improved. Another exercise I did was to continue drawing different shapes and figures until I could do it without looking at the original picture. The last exercise I did was to write personal letters to family in cursive or calligraphy until I liked the quality of my handwriting.      Until we were assigned the project of making 30 designs I was not aware of how creatively articulate I could be with a pen or pencil. To be pushed past your capabilities and comfort zone is the best way...

Baby Ragz

      I'm really feeling myself after this design.... I've spent countless hours on free handing different designs and for some reason I feel this is the one. Not to mention the baby is one of my aliases but it also portrays that I'm a little homesiqq.      As you can see in the first paper I sketched a few rough drafts, however I sketched more than that on all kinds of paper... (This is just the one you guys get to see). Eventually Baby Ragz will either get his bottle, bag of money, or California.... Possibly all 3... I feel like this could even turn into more than just design material it can become a comic book.      Whichever comes first I'm just excited that I get to continue practicing in the world of Design and eventually get to share my ideas with the world... Over and out 10/4
       I took this picture of my Cousin at the Lakeland Square Mall after she got done getting a #FRESH Line Up. Since I had some time to kill, I uploaded it into my Photoshop app on my Iphone and as you can see from the second picture... That was the after effect. I put a texturized border on the original photo and a green, gradient spotlight on her.      This was my first time utilizing photoshop on a mobile phone, and for those graphic designers or creative individuals period,,, I would recommend downloading the app.     What makes this picture special to me, is the fact, not only is she  my cousin but I also really like her sweater and the way it was designed. It's simple but screams for attention with just those five letters with a period at the end. Very stylish Cousin, I give it 2 thumbs up!